In recent years, Scot Forge has partnered with the Northern Illinois University (NIU) MBA program and the NIU undergraduate Business College’s Experiential Learning Center. We have worked with these student teams to discover solutions for current issues and to gain recommendations for moving forward. Scot Forge submits a problem statement, NIU interviews and selects the cross-functional team of students, and we communicate weekly throughout the semester until a plan is formulated.
These projects are mutually beneficial... the students receive course credit while simultaneously gaining valuable real-world work experience, and Scot Forge gains actionable insights from some of the most precocious young minds in the nation. The students are also exposed to how a manufacturing facility operates, the various roles that are needed to run a successful company, and possible career opportunities in manufacturing. The career possibilities span from machinists and engineers, to accountants and metallurgists. In the past year, we have hired summer interns directly from these programs, some of whom are still employed today.
Additionally, Scot Forge has partnered with the Kellogg School of Business - Executive MBA program, to discuss Marketing Branding and Marketing Strategy for Scot Forge. This partnership has tapped into the best and brightest throughout the country to help us innovate and grow. The students gain perspective into a 123 year-old American manufacturing operation and how we have continuously improved and modernized our technology to stay ahead in the market place and in front of competition.
IndustryWeek got wind of these projects while looking for manufacturing employers who have successfully recruited millennials and reached out to Scot Forge.
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